We are pleased that you are interested in our unique iris photography products and we promise you: We will create an individual work of art with your iris. One that does not exist a second time in the world!
Are your eyes brown or blue, are they green or grey? It doesn't matter, in any case they are really unique. With our iris photography technique, we make this uniqueness clear. We make a spectacular, detailed work of art out of
your iris. The natural beauty of your iris becomes visible. It is worthwhile to present this unique piece and also to give it as a gift.
This is how iris photography works at Iris Picture-Art!
The iris of the human eye, has a diameter of about one centimetre. Coloured by pigments, the iris of the eye is even more individual than a fingerprint. To photograph the iris, you need special equipment and a lot of experience, which Irispicture-Art offers its customers with full conviction.
With a combination of a patented, self-developed system with artificial intelligence, professional camera, macro lens and software for later processing of the image, we get the best out of your iris. The unique beauty of your individual iris only becomes visible through iris photography. Our professional graphic artists bring out the special features of each iris, because each iris is unique and worth fine-tuning.
Customer satisfaction!
We combine our 28 years of experience in the photographic industry with the unique art of Iris. Long-term customer customer contact provide us with the basis for customer-orientated work.
We attach great importance to customer satisfaction and satisfactory service. Combined with agood price-performance ratio and flexible times for the photo shoot with our automated process.
Your Irisphoto, your iris!